So I've always wanted a list of all the available research and the descriptions of each research, but I never found the time. Then when I really wanted to get into it, the sheer amount of info I would have to copy down on paper and type into a document later completely discouraged me. Then, today, I had a great idea. The Sins community, as a whole, could use mindmeister to easily create a full list of all available research for each race in Sins, complete with descriptions! For those of you who don't know, mindmeister is an online mind mapping collaboration tool that allows people to edit a mind map in real time. Its true purpose is for brainstorming, but I feel like it would be perfect for the task at hand. This way, people can copy information from the research trees in-game and slowly bring together a massive, complete list WITH descriptions of each technology out there, and we can even update it once diplomacy comes out.
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in helping me out in this project, all you need to do is somehow send me an email that I can use to share the mind map with you. You can either put it in a comment on this post or send it to me in a private message if you do not desire everyone to know your email. I will not keep the addresses beyond putting them into the "share map!" feature on mindmeister. For now email is the only way I can share this map, and I don't think they allow any other way. For people who don't want to give me their email, create a new email account from anywhere and send me that one, even if you only use it for this. All the email is for is to allow you to edit my mind map. I believe it is also necessary for you to have a mindmeister account, but that is no problem. Simply go to and create a free account.
Please help me finish a complete list of all research in Sins! I feel like many people would appreciate a list like this. To communicate with me, just send me a private message or email me at (see, i made up an email just for this too!)
How to use Mindmeister:
Click here to view a 3 minute tutorial of mindmeister, made by the mindmeister team, so you know its legit
. this should help you understand how to work a mind map easier than all of my pictures did.
*project canceled*