"Let the Lord of Chaos rule."
a fun, exciting, mysterious way to rack your brains.
Published on July 7, 2009 By Fokxnim In Sins of a Solar Empire

So I just had this idea and I want to share it with all of you, and invite you all to be a part of my little game I'm starting. I am someone in the Sins universe, either TEC, Advent, or Vasari, and you ask me any questions whatsoever to find out who I am, when I am, and where I am. Let me explain more.

By who I am I mean you have to be able to tell me what race I am, what age I am (30-40 year old male would be a perfectly acceptable answer if it was the right answer, which it isnt. the point is it doesnt have to be that specific.), and, as I just mentioned, my sex.

By when I am I mean you have to be able to tell me the general status of the war during my time. Before the war, before entrenchment, after the war, when the Advent arrive, all these are as specific as you have to be. I wouldn't get more detailed because I probably wouldn't be able to answer you.

By where I am, I mean something a little more tricky than the first two. You'll have to tell me if I'm on a planet belonging to my own race, if that planet is being sieged, whether I'm being held hostage on an enemy planet, whether I'm on an enemy planet because I betrayed my own side, etc etc etc. Where I am pretty much means my whole background.

For example (and this is NOT the answer): You;d have to tell me that I am Harris Markson, middle-aged, TEC male, who was captured by the Vasari and is being held on one of their great starbases. I am put through daily painful interrogation techniques, and am on the verge of telling the Vasari all of the intricate details of the TEC's new superweapon, which will be able to blow up a planet. (something along the lines of that)

Now, how to figure me out:

You can ask me any kind of question at all. You could even ask me what my name is and my age, although I would not answer you with what you're looking for. I will provide an answer for any question no matter how dumb or irrevelant it is. I could even have a guy who thinks he's being funny ask me how I jack off, and I'll try to provide a clue to my identity in it. But I'll still answer it. It is up to all of you together, the Sins community, to try and reveal my identity. This is not supposed to be easy. My advice, start off asking general questions and make your way deeper as my answers provide insight into my life.

Another disclaimer: I am not really talking about myself. None of this is true. I am not actually living in the Sins universe. I wanted to make that perfectly clear.

Now, ask your questions!

ALSO: all characters that are created in this Mind Game will be used in Sinners (if you haven't seen it, you should check it out on the SOASE forums), and all "mini-stories" (i.e. Judgement and the History of the Spirits so far) will be incorporated into the story as well. So ask a lot of questions!

HERES THE LINK TO THE MAIN STORY (recommended [make that neccessary] read before posting, not [technically] necessary tho ): https://forums.stardock.com/331326

Sinners on Blogspot:


Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 21, 2009

{i like this im guessing this is set, in entrenchment, just before the third expansion}

Sir, perhaps you can tell me, was Admiral Kol, with the Marksmen at the time? i seem to remeber him being a marksman

[BINGO!!!!!! ......almost. i'll give it to you. the setting is AFTER the second expansion, not entrenchment, but JUST BEFORE the third expansion. good almost job )

Admiral Kol? Are you deaf? Son, I just said before that everyone who had ever worked with him knew he was a Marksman! Of course you'd remember him as one! And yes, I do seem to recall seeing Kol in some of the clips the polls showed us of the battle. Ongoing, still, I think. The Marksman are not on their own anymore, now a great space battle takes place over their not-so-hidden base, while the Marksmen and armor-clad Vasari continue their battle throughout the entertwining tubes linking the asteroid base together. If I remember correctly....it might have been Kol himself that the Vasari had showed up there in the first place for! But I'm an old man, and my memories are not always what they once were.

on Jul 21, 2009

[My final answer:

You are Albert Frankensten, ex-TEC fighter pilot, formerly part of the Flying Fishes squadron, now retired in the capital of the planet Kitalle. The time is now after the second expansion. One of your strongest  memories is Judgement, in which you lost your wife, and you never re-married.]

on Jul 22, 2009

[My final answer:

You are Albert Frankensten, ex-TEC fighter pilot, formerly part of the Flying Fishes squadron, now retired in the capital of the planet Kitalle. The time is now after the second expansion. One of your strongest  memories is Judgement, in which you lost your wife, and you never re-married.]

[good, but im was looking for more. inconsequential stuff about how he uses a cane and wears glasses because he hates the idea of the new laser techniques to render your eyes perfect. but you got all the important stuff. great job!]

[QUESTION FOR EVERYONE: do you want me to do another character, or should this thread just die.]

on Jul 22, 2009

new character

on Jul 22, 2009

New character, definatly.

on Jul 22, 2009

good thread, so it must not die... so new character please?

on Jul 22, 2009


-----------CHARACTER 2 BEGINS--------------------


ok i hav a new character! ask your questions!

on Jul 22, 2009


1.  What does "2+2" equal?

2.  Is it the Unity or Advent

3.  On a scale of 1-10 (ten being highest) how much do you like the Vasari?

4.  What happened on Kron?

5.  How many people are under your command?

on Jul 22, 2009


Quoting Volt_Cruelerz, reply 1
1.  What does "2+2" equal?

2.  Is it the Unity or Advent

3.  On a scale of 1-10 (ten being highest) how much do you like the Vasari?

4.  What happened on Kron?

5.  How many people are under your command?

[haha ok repeating.]

2+2? I have not heard that phrase before.....what prohecy are you refering to? DO NOT SPEAK TO ME OF THE ADVENT!!!!!!!!!!! Those heretics will burn alongside their bretheren....hisssss......Vassssariiii? You ask me how much I like the Vassssari? Child, one does not like or dislike the Vasssari....one IS the Vasssari....one is ONLY the Vasssari....Kronn??? You know about Kron??? I personally do not know much....only a small few are granted the priviledge of that extremely sensitive piece of information....I would ask Flankx....that iss.....if someone like yourself could get anywhere near someone like him.....How many people under my command? Hissssss........let me ssseeee..........I am in possssessssion of five of the terran'sss planets, and lead one fleet consisting of six rootsss....as the normal fleet holds five, I am ahead.....I am seeking a promotion soon as well......my trap is almost complete.....

on Jul 22, 2009

What trap are you planning?


[You see all those questions are wonderful ways to figure out the race one of these people belongs two...]

on Jul 22, 2009

What trap are you planning?


[You see all those questions are wonderful ways to figure out the race one of these people belongs two...]

[ha well if you can't figure out the race by my first question, theres something wrong with you. no offense to those who can't figure it out. but each race, and each character i do, have very different personalities. not that im saying repeating is bad ]

What? Foolish child, you must let the alponians ingest you a little more.....why on Vasar would I tell someone of my trap? Hiss......maybe if you could persuade me to tell you.....but you must have a LARGE secret to share, or something important that could be used to blackmail one of my ssssuperiorssss.......well? DO you have sssomething like that?

on Jul 23, 2009

{ooo Vasari}

Perhaps, but first tell me, which planets do you control, are they near the front?

on Jul 23, 2009

{ooo Vasari}

Perhaps, but first tell me, which planets do you control, are they near the front?

The frrronnt? Child, ALL planets are near the front! There is no planet not within three jumps of a heretic's planet, placing every planet in this operation on the front......But I control the planets codenamed DOMINATION, ORIFICE, OREGION, HIMALAYA, and VASKAR'S FALL.....Hissstoric place....VASKAR'S FALL.....I knew that Vasssariii.....Vaskar.....he was my superior when I wass on active duty.....

on Jul 23, 2009

did you serve in any important battles? did you ever engage the human Admiral Kol?

on Jul 23, 2009

did you serve in any important battles? did you ever engage the human Admiral Kol?

Do not...EVER...talk to me about that human....EVER!!!!!!!!! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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